OwnCloud: how to copy files “directly” on your server

owncloudOwnCloud is really a terrific program.
I use it for many purposes, among which, of course, storing files that I can access from anywhere.

I faced a simple, but not trivial issue : I had a lot of files to move to my Cloud repository, already available on my server, and I didn’t want to go through the web interface or the webdav access (unnecessary bandwidth usage). I simply wanted to “move” them from directories, using Unix command line interface.

This is not straight forward, but not difficult either. Here is how I proceeded:

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Check site certificate validity

go_lockerI recently installed Let’s Encrypt mechanism on some of my sites.
Currently, the upgrade is not automatic (beta version + I personally need to be convinced 🙂 )

So, I need to monitor the validity dates of the certificates.
Here is a one-liner that do the job:

 echo | openssl s_client -connect <site>:<port>  2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -enddate

Note that I added the initial “echo”, as the openssl is waiting for an input…

Output example:

$ echo | openssl s_client -connect raistlin.alphamaths.fr:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -enddate
 notAfter=Mar 5 16:30:49 2017 GMT

You can imagine any kind of monitoring / notification on top of that !

Little hack to display last Tweets

This morning, I was reading an interesting article about plugins in WordPress, and how to get rid of them (available here, in French… Google Translate is your friend 😉 ).
I wanted to test adding my Tweet feed, not impacting performance (I tested several plugins already, but they decreased performance, as I could measure on GTmetrix).
And this hack works !
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Some Google improvements for your blog

Holidays ! Good time in perspective…

But today, I’m still at home, and it’s raining “cats and dogs”… So, I read some twitts & blogs, and this investigation led me challenging my blog “quality” in regards of new Google indexing engine.

Thanks to Diane Bourque website and journal, I had some hints…

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WordPress optimization

After someone presented me GTMetrix, a performance evaluation web site, I immediately tested it against my Blog…
Result was not too bad, but could be greatly improved.

I read many pages on the web, about WordPress optimization. And I could not figure out which one to choose… so I tested several, and I’m proposing to share my results with you here….

For your information, according to GtMetrix, my initial and final performance values are:

Before After Benefice
Page speed grade 90% 99% +9%
YSlow grade 83% 93% +10%
Page load time 2.51s 1.63s -35%
Total page size 357KB 269KB -25%

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